ChatGPT: The programmer's new "rubber ducky"

Updated 5 months ago on May 23, 2024

In the bustling tech centers of Silicon Valley, the concept of the "rubber duck programmer" has long been a well-known debugging technique. Developers often talk to an inanimate object (like a rubber duck) to explain their code, leading to insights and new perspectives.

But what if a rubber duckie could talk?

Enter ChatGPT, a tool that revolutionizes the way developers work by combining the patience of a rubber ducky with the ability to offer suggestions, review code, and engage in meaningful dialogue.

From Silicon Valley startups to recognized tech giants, ChatGPT has become an integral part of a developer's toolkit. We now consider ChatGPT not just a debugging tool, but a development gas pedal. It offers the patience of a classic "rubber ducky" but also has the ability to make suggestions and insights. ChatGPT can democratize the entire development process by opening it up to anyone with a computer.


Large language models such as ChatGPT have enormous potential and virtually countless use cases, limited only by our own creativity. Some of the advantages of ChatGPT include:

  • Collaborative Problem Solving: Developers can submit ideas, get feedback, ask questions, and receive instant feedback and support, allowing them to iterate and improve problem solving quickly.
  • Significantly reduce the time spent on manual tasks: From formatting existing data to generating keywords from a link, ChatGPT reduces the time spent on other manual tasks.
  • Flexible and easy to use: All you need to get started is a browser (or mobile app) and the ability to ask questions. You don't need an understanding of artificial intelligence or a PhD in statistics to get started, and the tool can even help people learn along the way.


Despite its power, ChatGPT has its limitations:

  • Dependence on clear and effective cues: If a person does not know what he needs himself, a tool can only partially help him. There is a saying in computer science and IT, "garbage in, garbage out." This applies doubly to ChatGPT, since its core functionality is built on what the user enters or asks.
  • No substitute for human creativity or ingenuity: The tool was created based on huge amounts of data taken from numerous sources. Because of this, it mimics human speech very well and provides answers based on "common sense". It is not a substitute for real ingenuity.
  • Undefined and unexplored copyright issues: Ownership of output content such as code, illustrations, etc. is currently undefined. Using copied code from ChatGPT may lead to legal problems in the future.
  • No guarantees about the quality or security of the output: Even if a user asks ChatGPT to generate code with security in mind, it will draw information from unknown sources of unknown quality, so there is no guarantee that the code will remain secure. Human input and validation are vital to ensure that the tool produces what is needed, in a useful way, while meeting the required criteria.

Recommendations for effective utilization

Using ChatGPT may seem overwhelming at first, but with some guidance and practice, it's an invaluable tool. Here are a few ways to get the most out of it:

  • Structure the prompt: Be clear, specific, and include the necessary details. For example, instead of writing "I need help coding a function", the prompt should read "I need help coding a Python function that asks the user for input and stores it in a variable".
  • Ask directly: If users know what they need, ask ChatGPT directly. You can always start a project by setting a goal and asking what information ChatGPT needs to achieve it.
  • Clarify: Offer additional details or information if needed. If the user has a specific example or if ChatGPT does not get it right, you can always correct them or clarify what is being asked.

I have listed some other useful prompts to give some ideas on how to get started with ChatGPT. Keep in mind that how users write their prompts is very important and depends on exactly what they want to accomplish. Taking the time to write the right prompt will pay off in the long run, but the examples below can serve as a good starting point:

  • "I want you to fulfill <role> and help me with <task>."
  • "Please write about how to improve <blank space> as a <role>".
  • "Using <example>, please <complete the task>".
  • "Create <number> of sentences, given <modifiers>".
  • "Explain <theme> using the Pareto principle".

These prompts are one of the most popular ways to get started immediately. They can be customized depending on what users want to accomplish, and they can be very effective when used correctly. Don't be afraid to use trial and error as well. It can take time to get used to ChatGPT and find the best prompts for a given situation, and using a few different prompts can help you figure out what works best.

ChatGPT is not just a tool, it's a glimpse into the future of development. From Silicon Valley to technology centers around the world, it is changing the way developers work, allowing them to be more creative, efficient and innovative. Whether you're an experienced developer or just starting out, ChatGPT offers a new approach to coding challenges. Try it out and find out how it can change the development process.

Even in the fast-paced world of Silicon Valley, where security and privacy are paramount, it is possible to use tools like ChatGPT to brainstorm ideas on a general level. And while tools like ChatGPT are not without their flaws, you shouldn't dismiss them or rely solely on ChatGPT. In a dynamic technology landscape, every new tool must be thoroughly evaluated and authorized for use. Each of us has a responsibility to use technology ethically and effectively, ensuring that it is consistent with our goals and values.

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